6 Ways to Save on Your Next Vacation!

Whether your next trip is for business travel, a ski trip or any special trip, you need only to determine that it would be a great time to go on a trip and simply go.  The problem is that can be an expensive proposition. Not everybody can afford to buy an airplane ticket or can they afford to book a deluxe accommodations or in some cases they just do not have the required funds to spend when they get to their chosen location for their planned trip.

Well it so happens that if you know where to look for it traveling does not have to be expensive. If this idea invokes your interest then you must continue reading this article. 

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Today the U.S. Department of State will hold its third annual Passport Day, giving Americans an opportunity to apply for their first passport, or renew their current one. To commemorate the event, all regional passport agencies, along with most application acceptance facilities, including post offices, will be open and no appointments will be necessary.

These agencies are rarely open on a Saturday, which makes this a perfect time to apply for that passport you’ve been meaning to get or renew your old one, particularly if you have an international trip on the horizon. Remember, it takes approximately 4-6 weeks to process a passport application, although for an extra $60 you can expedite the process, getting your documents in about half the time.

If you are planning on participating in Passport Day, you may want to get to your facility early. Due to the fact that many travelers often can’t visit their nearest facility during regular hours, and since no appointment is needed, there is the possibility of long lines. Before you go, you’ll also want to make sure you have all the necessary forms, and a proper photo, with you as well. First time applicants will find everything they need by clicking here and information on renewals can be found here.

The number of Americans who obtained a passport increased more than 300% between 1974 and 2004. Although 9/11 had an impact on the number of passport applications processed in 2002, the effect did not last long. The number of applications processed continued to increase until 2007. There was a decrease in the number of passports issued in 2008 and again in 2009. 2010 witnessed a slight increase in the number of passport applications processed.

For more information on Passport Day in the USA and to find the nearest passport agency to you, click here.


SavySugar: Saving on Holiday Travel

It’s time to start scouting for deals and prepping for holiday travel (props to you if you’ve already done this!), before the prices start rising. Don’t book your trip at the last minute, because the holidays are prime travel season, which means sky-high costs for airlines, car rentals, and hotels. Read on to find out the best ways to save on your upcoming holiday trip.

Picking a destination

Perhaps you’re not planning on returning home for the holidays and would like to use the days off to take a trip — you need to start researching some budget destinations. Some countries to look at include places that are seeing a decline in travelers. One in particular would be Japan as many people are still afraid of traveling there because of earthquake and radiation scares. Most parts of the country have not been affected, and cities like Osaka and Kyoto have been left relatively unscathed.

If you’re interested in traveling to countries that have seen a drop in travel due to political unrest such as Egypt, it’s best to reach out to locals to hear their thoughts on safety. Ask friends and family if they know anyone living in those countries, or post a question on Quora, Facebook and Twitter. For countries that have had civil and religious upheavals, you might want to check important political, historical, and religious dates that may cause conflicts. Check out some of Budget Travel’s picks for top budget destinations this year if you’re looking for more international travel ideas.

Another alternative is to check out underrated places that people often pass over. Lonely Planet gives a neat list of US cities that are often neglected and passed over for more famous spots such as New York, Las Vegas, and San Francisco.

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